The Long and Winding Road
from Structural Change to Structural Transformation
A Backgrounder on NGOs and People's Movements
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This book is written to bring to the reader the background of the key issues that concern NGOs and point to readings and references available at CED. This book is a part of a personal journey, an exploration, of what NGOs have been attempting to do during the past three to four decades
Also available in Hindi
Table of contents:
The struggle for Structural Change
The Widespread Assertion of Subaltern Identities
NGOs and Structural Change
People's Struggles
Non-Party Political Processes
Impact of the Structural Change Agenda
NGOs become a Sector
Is the Left Right?
Growth and Professionalism
What is Voluntary about NGOs?
The Many Paths Chosen
Where NGOs Fear to Tread
Growing Up Pains
Aid in the Time of Structural Adjustment
Livelihoods-Delivery Problems
Aid and Self Reliance
Delivery Systems of the NIneties
Delivery systems of the 2000s
At the Crossroads
The Need for a New Over-Arching Theory
Environment as if People mattered
Contribution of the Women's Movement
The Peace Movement
The Transformation Paradigm
Transformation of the NGO